One of the most common forms of dementia is Vascular dementia which is marked by reduced blood flow to the brain. This condition can be due occurrence of small strokes which are not harmful but in later stage of life leads to loss of memory. As we know that 90% of glucose is consumed by brain and hence given for a few seconds longer time interval if the blood flow to brain is hampered, it causes brain cells to die. Lack of nutrients to brain decreases its cognitive functioning.
The symptoms may include loss of memory, hallucinations, personality changes, inability to take prompt decisions, dizziness, balancing problem, emotional stress, loss of organizing ability, etc.
Other causes of Vascular dementia can be vascular disease and lack of vitamin D. Insufficient vitamin D does not directly cause dementia but affect the balancing ability of brain.
Unfortunately, till date there is no possible cure that can revert this dementia condition but it can be prevented by lowering the risks of strokes. Presently, common medicines that are used for general cognitive function improvement are being used to lower the symptoms but the core drug that could possibly hit the actual cause is yet to be designed.
Vascular Dementia- A Review